Gemini 1.5: A workshop in multimodal use cases


Ankur Roy


Online Partner AB


Solutions Architect




What are the applications of multimodality with Gemini? This session will cover a variety of different multimodal use cases for text, images, audio, video, and code to provide ideas on how you can apply multimodality to practical business scenarios. You will gain hands-on experience with both Gemini 1.5 Pro and Gemini 1.5 Flash.


I am a Solutions Architect at Online Partner AB. I have worked on several projects involving Google Cloud services and Google Workspace along with multiple other technology stacks and platforms. Some important things to know about me:

  • I have all 11 GCP certifications.
  • I have recently published a book on the use of Python in DevOps and am currently working on a book regarding passing the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification exam.
  • I am passionate about working out, writing, and content creation.
  • I love public speaking and have done many speaking appearances including one recently for a webinar at Google's Oslo headquarters.

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